Sonntag, 2. Oktober 2011

Ich habe es schon wieder getan!

Ich gehe noch komplett pleite in Japan. Vielleicht sollte ich mich in meinem Hotelzimmer verkriechen und mir nur noch ab und zu Lebensmittel anliefern lassen. Jedes Mal, wenn ich unterwegs bin, entdecke ich wieder irgendetwas, das mir bisher noch nicht aufgefallen war oder ich finde plötzlich neue Regalinhalte vor oder ich gehe mal in den zweiten Stock vom Einkaufszentrum...
Also wieder ein bisschen Geld ausgegeben heute. Dafür habe ich aber auch tatsächlich schon das allererste Weihnachtsgeschenk dieses Jahr! Mit Glück werden das sogar noch zwei bis zur Abreise, mal schauen.
Und ich habe PEZ gefunden, juhu!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hi Chris dude ...
    Do you know who I am ?
    I am your master .. Jeff Vader ...
    Interesting blog , could use a lot more blaspheming & violence but otherwise very 'comfortable' ..
    Actually I've got a question / request .. When we were down at the shopping mall last month I bought some statioary for Caity that was called ' Sentimental circus ' There were allsorts of thinngs to get under this 'name ' .. I was wondering ..if you had the time ..& a bit of cash ..if you could pick up a few bits and pieces of 'sentimental circus ' stuff for me ..
    not much ..just a note pad with the Sentimnental Circus on it ...& a key holder with the character Shappo .. asort of rabbit thing .. that would indeed be most very excellent ... what method of payment would you require ... potato peelings or hard cash ?
    Take it easy my friend ..all the best out of hamburg

  2. That's Jeff Vader, that is! - Can I have your autograph?
    I am mostly sketchy about the violence so I keep my few readers. As for the blasphemy, though - well, while being an agnostic there's not so much religion to make fun of. Thanks anyway for the compliments!
    Next Sunday when I go out shopping again, I'll check for the "Sentimental Circus" stuff. By the way, did you notice the small gaming area on the second floor of the "7 & i"? They have a cool video game for two people there, "House of the Dead 4". Would have been perfect for us, I guess.
    Actually, and I don't want to get too sentimental on this, but, I'm kind of missing you around here. It's been pretty much a fun time, dude!
    So arrigato gozaimasu, mate!
    P.S.: I'd rather go for the hard cash :)


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