Dienstag, 24. Mai 2011

Things to think about

I've been thinking a lot lately, mostly about issues and questions that probably arise within everybody sooner or later. Where am I heading, what will I do, am I even on the right path? Where will this all lead to and did I make the right choices so I will be pleased with the results? Or was everything until now just a mere sequence of wrong decisions, missed chances and in general a whole lot of mistakes and errors?

I usually think of myself as being pretty far from perfection, though I always strive to be as good as possible at what I'm doing. Whenever imperfection strikes me on my way, I in most cases am disappointed and would try to avoid it, although I kind of know it is not avoidable at all times in life. Sadly, this is in some cases true for people I meet, as well. That may even be one of the reasons why I used to be such a lousy partner at times. I think I learned to start working on that, but there still is some way to go and it will take its time. All I wonder now is if somebody will be ready to walk that road with me or if I am still meant to go there alone. Only time will tell, I guess.

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